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Tour through Dorsoduro quarter: Zattere, San Sebastiano and Scuola dei Carmini - abt 3hrs

The area stretching from the quays of the Zattere is one of the most picturesque of the city: facing the the Giudecca channel, the Dominican church of S. Maria del Rosario (Gesuati) with its beautiful ceiling decorated from Gianbattista Tiepolo gives us a glimpse of how delicate and unique was the use of the colours in venetian painting art, and how linked were among each other art and religious symbols. This use of colous was well started from the famous painter Paolo Caliari from Verona, called Veronese, who totally decorated the church of San Sebastiano at the end of the Zattere, were he wanted to be buried.

It is compulsory to end a visit in the colours of Venice with the Scuola Grande dei Carmini, where the genius of Giambattista Tiepolo once again allows us to partecipate to the decadence century of the Serenissima Republic, the 18th, where the end of a civilization is told with maximum luxury and elegance.