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: Secret Itineraries, click on the image to discover the tour, then book it with Walks of Italy!


CLASSIC TOURS: Saint Mark's Square - From Saint Mark's Square to Rialto Bridge  - Murano Burano and Torcello islands - Museums


ARTISTIC TOURS: Faith, in the art of Venice - Pure Colour tour


IN DEPTH TOURS: Jewish Ghetto and Cannaregio - The hidden town


SPECIAL TOURS: The Dolomites - Unknown islands in the Lagoon







You will find a list of which itineraries is possible to do in Venice.

But please do not feel linked: the purpose of a Venice-raised tour guide is to do the extra mile by avoiding to follow tight schemes and make the guest feel local as much as possible. The goal can be achieved by joining different parts of each tour, simply drinking a good coffee together where locals go or sneacking into non crowded alleys: this will allow you to see some of the hundreds of curiosities that this beautiful city offers beyond the usual itineraries.

Let's say that - among the paths - there's an hidden Venice that we will just glad to show you..